
Untold History is a place to investigate the weird, unusual and unexplored parts of our past, from Welsh ghost stories to the murders of Edward V and his brother Richard in the tower of London. We produce well researched, accurate articles (With the odd pun or two) alongside historiographical evidence in order to create simple, easily understood articles. In terms of sources we try our hardest to ensure every article has at least one academic reference, making sure what you’re reading is the most accurate information possible.

The website is managed by Ciaran Griffiths (Myself). After graduating from Bangor University with a BA in History I wanted to write easy to understand, comprehensive articles about parts of history that are often ignored.

We publish two articles a week, one on Monday and another on Friday. Alongside these we also upload photos of historical sites, places and artefacts. We also post regularly on social media, including content not on the website so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram! But we are always looking for contributors so if you’ve got passion for history, and an interesting story to tell, get in contact with us at:

